Industrial Revolution and World War - Shintaro Kago

Industrial Revolution and World War - Shintaro Kago

15,00 €

Industrial Revolution and World War, le grand succès d’Hollow Press revient enfin, sous sa dixième incarnation, toujours sans aucunes paroles, nous laissant ébahis du talent sans cesse renouvelé de Shintaro Kago.

Spécial 10th reprint. Includes an extra drawing!

Hollow Press
Limited Edition (10th printing) 1000 copies
A4 format - 32 pages, hardcover + soft spine, german glued paperback binding

"You know Kago’s iconic image of a head exploding and it being filled with cheap plastic junk,
mass-produced goods? The reason it's horrifying is because it suggests that we aren’t that special. As a civilisation we mass-produce plastic shit because we are mass-produced shit. We are a joke told through our pointless repetitive lives, and it’s that black joke that’s at the heart of Shintaro Kago’s work."

Aperçu de l’album en vidéo ici.

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